Saturday, May 13, 2006

Things 'n stuff 'n junk...

Originally posted here, 12/09/05

So there's this video game store downtown... It's dangerous, mostly because it always seems to have something new in that I want. Like when they had a Neo Geo Pocket Color after they'd been discontinued but before the excess stock was sold-off at EB, or when they had a SEGA Stunner (arguably the best lightgun ever) with a game for $14, or when they had Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, and Daytona USA for Saturn together for $8, or when they had a NEO GEO MVS SYSTEM(!!!) modified to include composite A/V connections and s-video, with four games (Metal Slug X, The Last Blade 2, Samurai Shodown 2, and Art Of Fighting 3), an AES controller, and a memory card, or like today when they had a brand-new, factory-sealed copy of ICO (this game is no longer manufactured, and was never produced in large quantities; it is quite hard to find used, let alone new). I have purchased all of the above and much more over the years. Dangerous, I tells ya.

Also, as good of a game as Metal Slug Advance is, it just doesn't feel like like a true Metal Slug game. The relatively choppy animation, complete lack of blood, lackluster bosses, and respawning enemies... Omissions and changes like that really take away from the unique experience that the first four games (1, 2, X, and 3... Let's not talk about 4... I guess 5 was okay) brought to the table. D'ah well, maybe Gunstar Super Heroes will do better.

In other news, Apple agreed to replace my malfunctioning iPod nano with a brand new one. I just got the call about the replacement unit about ten minutes ago, so I'm off to Yorkdale shortly (stupid only Apple store in Canada, all far away).

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