Monday, July 25, 2011


Finished Crysis 2; it was awesome; all of my previous criticisms stand.

I always thought Bioshock was a gorgeous game; Minerva's Den looks hideous after playing Crysis 2 :(

Still avoiding Lair.

Found a copy of Silent Hill 2 of PC.

Really tempted to finally try Dwarf Fortress after reading this.

Not looking forward to replacing my XBOX 360, as it will mean buying Bastion, Catherine, Child Of Eden, Outland, Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Trenched, and likely a few more I'm forgetting at the moment... Gonna be expensive :(

Thursday, July 07, 2011


I snagged a complete copy of Jack Bros. (Japanese) and a loose copy of Virtual Fishing for Virtual Boy, but now all three of my remaining systems are failing and the guys who were doing repair services seem to have closed-up shop :( Decent games though, albeit somewhat simplistic.

Almost done with Crysis 2. It's still a gorgeous game, I still feel like a badass, the acting is still a little weak, and the story got pretty flimsy for a while there... The good outweighs the bad though.

Saturday, July 02, 2011


About half-way through Lair, and it's still disappointing.

About half-way through Crysis 2, and it keeps getting better. Some of the acting's pretty bad (e.g. Gould) and the narrative's kinda broken (poor cohesion, lacking exposition, tired clichés), but the gameplay is solid (dynamic, accessible, visceral; makes me feel like a real badass) and the graphics are gorgeous.