Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's official...

...Resident Evil 4 has been put on hold indefinitely. It's one thing to have challenging gameplay that forces players to use ammo and health items, effectively eliminating stockpiling and creating a very tense experience; it's a whole other story to have enemies that appear out of nowhere and stick you in the back with a pitchfork the second you turn your back! Seriously, the respawning enemies were bearable because they dropped plenty of ammo and money, but when I'm standing at the top of a hill with only one path leading towards me, that is clear as far as the eye can see, and I'm suddenly mauled to death by no less than two enemies just moments after turning away from said path, I can't be bothered. So far, Bully is much more entertaining.


Anonymous said...

what the hell?

what hill was that? i never really noticed any problem respawns.

Brent said...

Chapter 1-2, I believe... Once you leave the safe area with the typewriter and the peddler, there's a winding path up the side of the cliff to the right (half of a medallion in a chest at the top). I've gotten past that part, but the amount of cheap-shots I suffer just pisses me off.