Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Problem Solved

Re: My last post, I started Bulletstorm and Black Ops. The former is big dumb fun while the latter feels kinda mindless and looks dated... And then The Scorchers came out :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

What to do, what to do...

Wrapped-up Dishonored, so what's next? Looking at my Steam library, what jumps-out at me...

  • Alice: Madness Returns
  • Borderlands
  • Bulletstorm
  • Call Of Duty: Black Ops
  • Darksiders
  • Dead Space
  • Skyrim
  • Mass Effect 2
  • Transformers: War For Cybertron

...Suggestions? I'll be messing around with Torchlight II in the meantime.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Added a bunch of stuff to the collection; in no particular order...

Virtual Boy
  • 3D Tetris: This game really sucks so far.
Jaguar CD
  • Battlemorph: Big improvement over the already-decent Cybermorph, though the draw-distance is still hurting.
  • Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands: Big improvement over the already-decent Hover Strike, though the camera is still painful when you hit a hill.
  • Ecco The Dolphin: Haven't played this one yet, but it's an enhanced version of the unique Genesis game I enjoyed back in the day.
  • Ecco: The Tides Of Time: Haven't played this one yet, but it's an enhanced version of the unique Genesis game I enjoyed back in the day :p
  • The Unfinished Swan: Really cool; great fun to explore, so far.
  • Derrick The Deathfin: Also really cool, thanks to its visual style and fast-flowing gameplay.
  • The Last Story: I like to support... Gonna get around Xenoblade Chronicles first though.
Anyway, as I've progressed further into Assassin's Creed III: Liberation and Dishonoured, both have proven to be truly engaging experiences... Which only makes me more disappointed that they blew it on presentation.

Also, started Persona 4 Golden to see what all the fuss was about... Not sure I get it yet.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Kinda sorta...

...Splurged yesterday and bought Demolition Racer (Dreamcast), Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary (360), LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (Vita), Major Minor's Majestic March (Wii), and Shining Force CD (SEGA CD).

Still waiting on my shipment of Battlemorph and Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands (Jaguar CD), and 3D Tetris (Virtual Boy).

Wrapped-up Max Payne 3 and Rayman: Origins, and both were great; play them.

Working on Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Dishonored, but can't stop my self from save-scumming... Not fun.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

so much

Halo 4 (single-player campaign): Short, kinda repetitive, mostly fun, extremely pretty, and great characterisation... Though parts of the plot are a little too esoteric for people who haven't read the books.

Rayman Jungle Run: Looks great, plays great, gets really freaking hard at times, and then just kinda ends... Totally worth $3. Seriously. Do it.

First hour or so of...

Call Of Duty: Black Ops: Pretty exciting, I guess... Nothing all that special yet though.

Dishonored: Boring voice acting and only passable writing... But great aesthetics and exhilarating, dynamic gameplay make-up for it.

Penny Arcade's On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3: Yes. Just, yes. I missed this so much.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Final haul from Steam's Autumn Sale:

  • Borderlands GOTY
  • Call Of Duty: Black Ops
  • Critter Crunch
  • Darksiders
  • Darksiders II + a bunch of DLC
  • Dishonored
  • Hotline Miami
  • Thief Gold
  • Thief II
  • Torchlight II

...All for $116.

Was really hoping to snag Spec Ops: The Line for $15, but I thought the sale was running until later today and I kinda slept-in; woke-up to find yesterday's feature sales still up, but the rest over  :(

Thursday, November 22, 2012

anything to do

Approaching the midpoints of Max Payne 3 and Halo 4... Both solid titles so far; Max Payne is gorgeous, stylish, visceral, and engaging, but ventures into the truly ridiculous a little too often; Halo's a rock-solid shooter with incredible graphics for the 360 that simply drags-on at times.

Bought Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, BreakQuest: Extra Evolution, and Persona 4 Golden for Vita, as I'm almost done with Rayman Origins and none of them were on any Black Friday sale lists.

Speaking of Black Friday, I've already snagged pretty much everything Darksiders on Steam, and it cost me, like, $35. Steal. Also, can't decide what to pick for GOG's five for $10 promo :(

Cordy Sky is kinda cool, but Android 4.2 isn't coming to the Nexus S... Not that those two things have anything to do with each other.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Chrome Users!

  1. Go to chrome://plugins
  2. Disable Flash (in my case, 11.4 r31)
  3. Go to http://adobe.com/go/EN_US-H-GET-FLASH
  4. Download and install Flash (11.4 r402)
  5. Enjoy a Chrome that can open links in new tabs without issue!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Wednesday...

...And suddenly there's way too much to play on PlayStation Vita; Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, Dokuro, Ogarhythm, Ragnarok Odyssey, Retro City Rampage, Silent Hill: Book Of Memories, and Virtue's Last Reward.

Also, Max Payne 3 is pretty epic so far.

Monday, October 29, 2012

So I do.

Got in on that Windows 8 Pro upgrade for $40 deal, and it's pretty good! Any bugs have been minor and I generally don't use the Start Screen, so I'm pretty happy here. Also picked-up a 128GB OCZ Vertex 4, which means I can have Diablo III, DOOM 3: BFG Edition, Max Payne 3, and RAGE all installed at once... So I do. DOOM and RAGE, mindless as they may be, are just plain fun; I could play them over and over and over again... So I do.

Also added a Pro Controller and Power Drive Rally to my Jaguar collection; both boxed.

Sat down with a few demos last night: Forza Horizon's kinda great, Starhawk's not my bag, Hell Yeah!'s alright, and I can't remember what else I played right now.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

State of the...?

Android: Triple Town and Flick Golf have been usurped by Jetpack Joyride and Rayman Jungle Run.

Windows: Legend of Grimrock was awesome, and DOOM 3: BFG Edition was a lot of fun.

Vita: Gravity Rush was solid, but I don't think I'll be coming back to it any time soon; Hot Shots Golf and WipEout have been nice distractions when I've played a little too much Rayman Origins; Retro City Rampage is awfully charming, but I'm not sure how long it's gonna be able to hold my attention.

Jaguar CD: Jaguar CD!? Yup! Snagged one with Vid Grid, Blue Lightning, Baldies, MYST, and a Memory Track, all complete in boxes. Now to hunt-down Battlesphere, Hover Strike: Unconquered Lands, and Iron Soldier 2...

Dreamcast: Evil Twin... 'nuff said.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Exciting Stuff!

I've been too busy to sink any significant time into any games lately... Keep coming back to Grimrock when I have a few moments to spare (seriously, in love with that game), wrapping-up Gravity Rush when I'm on the go, and Triple Town and Diablo III still get some attention. Quantum Conundrum's DLC is gathering dust, and I've stalled about half-way through Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers.

Work has consisted mostly of server stuff; new hardware, data migration, etc... Exciting stuff.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Traded-in my incomplete copy of Splatterhouse (TG16) for a complete copy; snagged a complete copy of Cannon Spike on Dreamcast, a cheap (used) copy of Rayman Origins for Vita, and a Saturn-to-Dreamcast controller adapter for my Saturn Twin-Sticks :)

Next XBLA purchases: Mark Of The Ninja (rad demo) and Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown.

Finished Mass Effect... Not bad, but not great. The story is intriguing and now I'm kinda wishing I was a different character type instead of a soldier, but I doubt I'll be playing it again. Gonna plough through Max Payne 3 before I get into Mass Effect 2, but I'm not gonna install Max Payne 3 'til I get a bigger SSD later this week... So in the meantime, I'm working on Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers; sweet game, so far.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mon dieu?

Finally tracked down a complete "Saturn style" copy of Jumping Flash! for PlayStation! Unfortunately, I had to drive half an hour to pick it up and it came in a lot with seven other games. Wasn't really interested in complete long box copies of Toshinden, ESPN2 Extreme Games, Kileak, Mortal Kombat 3, or Warhawk... But it did include The Raiden Project.

Also, Super Crate Box rules :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

History is written by the historians...

Still ploughing through the first Mass Effect... Mostly because I want to see if they fixed everything in the sequel. It's not bad, but it's still not all that awesome either; I've been taking a lot of breaks to play Psychonauts.

During the most recent break, I finally got around to trying Legend Of Grimrock... I'm in love.

Also played through the first level of Duke Nukem 3D after snagging it during a Good Old Games sale, and it was just as rad as I remembered.

Picked-up Sound Shapes yesterday, and it's really cool! Lots of fun, great music and visuals, lots of replay value (even just to hear the songs again), I dig the Cross-Play and cloud saves, I'm looking forward to DLC, and I'm stoked to start playing around with the editor.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Play

XBOX Live Arcade gets an HD remake of a classic that doesn't really improve upon the classic (which I already own), a Kinect-only game (I don't have a Kinect), a mediocre zombie platformer, a mutiplayer-only game (I don't have XBL Gold), and a wonderfully-animated mash-up of the beat-'em-up, Metroid, and RPG genres with questionable writing and artwork... Disappointing, especially considering previous Summers gave us the likes of Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Braid, Castle Crashers, Shadow Complex, Trials HD, LIMBO,  Bastion, From Dust, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, and more!

PlayStation Network's PLAY is back after a weak first year, but this time we get Sound Shapes and Papa & Yo... PLAY wins this round.

Also, Quantum Conundrum was really good! Haven't dug into the DLC yet though.

F.E.A.R. 3 is gorgeous and has some really satisfying gunplay, but it's not very scary... Unsettling at times, but not scary. Regardless, the game gets pretty enjoyable after a slow start, so stick with it. I haven't quite finished the single-player campaign (on the second-last level), but yeah, not scary.

Y'know what's really scary though? Slender. Fuck. Scary as hell. Try it. It's free. I don't ever want to try it again, and I've only made it halfway through; but you should try it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I love my PlayStation Vita. Great exclusives and ports and multimedia features and Cross Buy and so on. The stuff on the horizon (Tearaway, Cross Control, unique entries from big franchises, etc...) looks very promising, but I have just one gripe... And it's a big one. I play my Vita almost exclusively on the subway to and from work. Motion controls don't work well on the subway, nor do they work well in a car... BUT THIS IS A PORTABLE SYSTEM!!! Blowing on and shouting at your portable system (see Tearaway) don't go over well on the subway either. Always give me the option to turn off stupid gimmick control schemes.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Added Metal Slug 2 and Samurai Shodown to my MVS collection, as well as a better-looking copy of Samurai Shodown II...

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Giga Power!!!

Acquired Metal Slug 3 and Real Bout 2 MVS!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

"Think waaaaaay outside the box... Then make it fluffy."

Quantum Conundrum is still fun. Nowhere near as slick and sublime as Portal, but still lots of fun. I'm about half-way through, and while it's been kinda easy, it hasn't been unsatisfying.

Wrapped-up the campaign in Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and it was really good! Not quite as epic as the PS3 titles in the series, but still a really impressive adventure. I fully intend to go back and search for more of the collectibles.

In the meantime, I've been settling-in with Gravity Rush. I was surprised to find a pseudo-open-world sandbox game (not really my main jam), but the gameplay is pretty unique, the story is charming, the graphics are great, and the world is spellbinding; really glad I picked this one up.

Also sat down and finished Stacking. Really solid game with lots of replay value and tonnes of character. I'm holding-off on running through the DLC, but certainly looking forward to it.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Season Passes

More Steam and GOG summer sale purchases!


  • Fallout New Vegas Ultimate
  • Just Cause 2
  • Max Payne 3
  • Quantum Conundrum Season Pass
  • Unreal Deal
  • The Walking Dead
  • Ys Origin

...And The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition on GOG.

I'm already well into Quantum Conundrum, and it's pretty good! Not super polished (some of the textures are kinda bland, some of the rooms feel pretty sparse, some of the writing is a little stilted), but pretty good! Maybe Max Payne 3 next... Though Grimrock, Skyrim, and Fallout have been tempting, my schedule's in no shape to tackle any kind of RPG right now; plus I still need to finish Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood :\


I performed a clean installation of Android 4.1.1 (Jelly Bean) on my Nexus S about three days ago, and it's definitely slicker... Battery life seems a little worse so far (10~12 hours of average use per charge), Google's weather app only works when location services are turned-on, and Google Now doesn't seem to do much for me - specifically, the public transit card doesn't seem to work; perhaps my city isn't supported; perhaps I'll get around to looking into that. Otherwise, I've had the phone start-up in safe mode once (probably my fault), and Swype has been changed from being my default keyboard. So yeah, Android 4.x has been a very pretty and mostly functional, albeit slightly buggy and more power-hungry-than-is-convenient experience.

Monday, July 16, 2012


The more I read about Nintendo's 3DS XL, the more I see that it's the way to go; it has a better everything, supposedly. I also read that they're releasing an XL circle pad peripheral, so it's not as though the XL won't be able to do anything it's smaller counterpart can... So much for that sale.

Speaking of sales, Good Old Games' summer sales have been pretty great (bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Direct's Cut, Another World 15th Anniversary Edition, and Legend Of Grimrock) and Steam's summer sale is shaping-up to be worthwhile (Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb, Lara Croft Guardian Of Light + all DLC, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Trine 2, Offspring Fling!, and the On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 launch bundle) despite the fact that I picked-up most of the big releases for stupidcheap during the last sale :)

Friday, July 06, 2012

Speaking of...

3DS is on sale for $150... Assuming I can overcome my fears of crappy hinges, screens scratching screens, and potential redesigns rendering my purchase obsolete, what would I get with one? Sonic Generations, Super Mario 3D Land, maybe Ghost Recon and Resident Evil: Revelations, and a whole whack of DS games... Hrm... Am I missing anything? Recommendations? DSiWare?

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Dead Pixel déjà vu

Finally got a chance to set-up my new PlayStation Vita, and promptly noticed a dead pixel right in the centre of the screen... Glad I bought it from a big-box store! Brought it in to exchange, but they'd started an even better promo (free copies of Uncharted: Golden Abyss and ModNation Racers: Road Trip with the purchase of the system; I only got a $50 gift card), and were sold-out across most of the city. The second store only had one open-box in stock and it was almost 9pm, so yeah, had to wait another day... Exchange was successful the next day, and all seems well now. Hot Shots Golf is great fun (exactly as expected), but the graphics aren't exactly flooring me; not bad-looking at all, but nothing mind-blowing, which is kinda disappointing since Uncharted looks gorgeous and WipEout is downright stunning (though the load times are a little long). I'm pretty stoked on the new platform, and it showed-up just as I was exhausting the PSP's library... How the 3DS is apparently in a better position boggles the mind.

Yeah, it's Nintendo, been out longer, and undergone significant price cuts; but from a pure software perspective, the 3DS has Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, sweet Ghost Recon and Resident Evil exclusives, a couple of solid remakes, and unique versions of Cave Story and Sonic Generations... The rest are ports, and often lacklustre ports. Not a bad lineup, but not exactly lightyears ahead of what I see on the Vita. Not that it matters much; I'll be getting a 3DS once the design feels solidified, though random add-ons and stories of shoddy construction have me biding my time for now.

Friday, June 29, 2012

I'll get around to it...

Harley Quinn's Revenge was fine; kinda short, kinda boring, not enough Robin, too much bad dialogue. Yeah, not really worth $10.

Sonic Generations kinda rules... Like, it's actually a great game. Great gameplay (except for the Perfect Chaos boss battle; some design kinks in there), inside jokes for longtime fans of the series, and loads of replay value implemented in a way that perfectly complements the balance of speed and exploration found (though often overlooked) in traditional Sonic games. I hear the 3DS version is completely different, so I'll be picking that one up too.

Bought a Vita with four games (Gravity Rush, Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and WipEout 2048; two were free as part of a sale), a 32GB memory card (~$60, used), and a hard case; That was Friday... Been busy though, and haven't had a chance to open it yet.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Spending Effort

Recently acquired complete copies of Burning Rangers and Shining Force III for Saturn! Also picked-up a complete copy of Sonic Drift 2 for Game Gear, as well as loose copies of Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Sonic Spinball... Which means I now only need Sonic Labyrinth to complete my collection of all north american Sonic releases for Game Gear! Oh, and I snagged a "Mk1" Game Gear.

Also bought a loose copy of Shining Soul for GBA... Kinda cool, but awfully slow-moving. Still need Shining In The Darkness, Shining Force CD,  Shining The Holy Ark, and Shining Soul II to complete that collection, and two of those are readily available to me.

Tried (again) to get into Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, Mega Man Powered Up, and Trails In The Sky on PSP, but I just couldn't do it; not my style, I guess... May give the Persona series another shot though.

Harley Quinn's Revenge is kinda cool, but not exactly blowing me away.

Monday, June 04, 2012


Diablo III is incredibly addictive; simple as that. Tried to go back to Torchlight; couldn't do it. The Humble Indie Bundle V pulled me away for a while when I started Psychonauts again (as I'm wont to do every year or so), but yeah, Diablo III.

The Dragon's Dogma demo left me completely uninterested in all but the monster designs of that game.

TripleTown still monopolises my mobile gaming time... Though I did bust-out Card Fighters Clash last night and was immediately reminded why it's one of my favourite games :)

Made some great progress with my Hyper-V-based server P2V project at work; that was fun.

Windows 8 Release Preview is slicker than the Consumer Preview, but similar enough that I'm still not sold on the concept... Plus a bunch of cool games (Jazz, Hydro Thunder, etc...) suddenly going missing from the app store is disappointing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The more you know...

What I've learned about Mass Effect So far:

  • Dialogue options aren't always what they seem.
  • Inventory management is kinda broken.
  • Buggy sections are... Inconvenient.

I really hope Mass Effect 2 is better.

What I've learned from Diablo III so far:
  • Diablo III is friggin' awesome.
  • Getting booted from a single-player game because of server/connectivity issues is mostly not cool.

Monday, May 07, 2012


I've given-up on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Deus Ex: Human Revolution for now; they're so drawn-out and time-consuming that finishing them (despite being about halfway through each) feels like such a chore. I took the opportunity to try Mass Effect. It's an ingenious action-RPG so far, but I'm spending way more time talking to people and running errands than doing anything particularly awesome; perhaps I should stick to the main story for a while. Regardless, I've sunk four or five hours into Mass Effect and I'm still feeling compelled to get back to it, so it's faring better than Assassin's Creed and Deus Ex :\

...Can't help comparing Mass Effect to Star Control II though, and still considering just firing-up the latter on my 3DO ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The Diablo III beta stress-test weekend dealie was stellar; May 15th can't come soon enough! I'm playing Hellfire in preparation (it was either that or Dungeon Siege; I've never finished either, but I've hardly spent any time with the latter), but man, for those 13 levels, I was in a fantastic place. It's a little disappointing that a lot of the great ideas implemented in the new Diablo game have already been seen in the competition, but the visuals and storytelling make-up for it. As for Hellfire, I made it to the hive playing as a Monk (who's pretty overpowered from the outset), and things suddenly got kinda underwhelming with some pretty weak level design and annoying characters,; I wasn't all that disappointed when I discovered that uninstalling something called Sierra Utilities deleted my character. What to do...

Friday, April 20, 2012


Blazed through Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP on Steam, and what a gorgeous game! Visually and aurally stunning, I just want to drink it all in. The mouse-driven controls are a little awkward and the plot's kinda thin, but everything else is genius in its simplicity; even though the gameplay is nothing particularly complex, it provides a solid challenge in its... I dunno what the right word is... The hints are concise, the puzzles are opaque, and I still had fun.

Also tracked-down a copy of Nightshade for PS2 and Cool Cool Toon for Dreamcast.

And I'm kinda bored of Deus Ex: Human Revolution about 1/4 of the way in... Not sure if I want to press on or come back to it another time.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I did, didn't I...

Did I miss an entire month again? I did, didn't I... That's cool though; aside from TripleTown and Journey, there's hasn't been much to go on about. TripleTown is awesome and Journey is one of the greatest games ever made; I played through it the first time without even pausing; I look forward my next playthrough. Seriously, I cannot stress how beautiful Journey is, and I mean in every possible way from price to length to replayability to inadvertent multiplayer. It's a game of sights and moments and human nature and you have to play it.

I've spent ~$100 on XBLA titles in the past week. Specifically, I've purchased Rocket Knight, Radiant Silvergun, I Am Alive, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Sine Mora, Rayman 3 HD, and Fez (this Friday); holding-off on Skullgirls for now. Still gonna tell you all about the Indie titles I bought, when I get around to it.

I also snagged Golden Axe Warrior, Out Run 3-D, and Space Harrier 3-D (SMS; I now have all seven official 3-D titles), Sparkster (SNES), Hang-On GP (Saturn; it's decent), Typing Of The Dead (DC), Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii; gotta support), Jak And Daxter Collection (PS3; really only for the first one), the second Humble Android Bundle, and prolly a few other games that I can't recall at the moment.

Oh, and I'm almost done Torchlight. It's very good, but not great. Loot's kinda inconsistent (I'm stuck with awesome versions of low-level stuff, so I look ridiculous) and the grind got old before I was done.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Q.U.B.E. was good... Except for one puzzle near the end that just fucking sucked.

Bought Gargoyle's Quest II for NES; Demon's Crest and Weaponlord for SNES; Metal Slug and Neo Turf Masters for MVS; a long-box copy of Return Fire for 3DO; the Humble Bundle for Android; Half-Life: Source (50%-off coupon), From Dust (66%-off sale), Serious Sam 2 and 3 (66%-off sale), and Skyrim (25%-off coupon + 33%-off sale) on Steam... Haven't played any of them (except for the first few levels of Anomaly on my phone) because I've been caught-up in Deus Ex: Human Revolution (I'm a hacker!) and downright addicted to Torchlight.

Also snagged a bunch of really good XBLA indie games, but I'll get into that another time... Like when I'm done Torchlight :)

P.S. Did not like the Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning demo.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Wrapped-up RAGE and Arkham City. Not quite 100% on both, but awfully close. Both games are surprisingly similar in how they approach open-world game design... And it's 5:30am and I'm exhausted, so I'll write more another time.

I'm also almost done Q.U.B.E., and it's very good.

Thursday, January 05, 2012


Had a hell of a time installing RAGE...

  1. Steam requires games to be installed on the same drive as the Steam client; I keep Steam on my system drive, which you may recall is a 60GB SSD; even retail copies of RAGE require a 25GB Steam installation; after some manual clean-up, I had just enough space.
  2. Game just wouldn't start; hung at the "Preparing to launch RAGE..." window; moved Steam client to a different drive and re-installed RAGE from the discs, just for fun; same problem.
  3. Used Steam's back-up utility to back-up RAGE; moved Steam back to the system drive and then restored the back-up; everything works!
Anyway, I'm just getting started, and things aren't as bad as I was led to believe by the reviews. The graghics are gorgeous and the gameplay's solid; the story's a little contrived, but nothing awful; essentially I'm seeing a simple and solid FPS with stuff to do between levels.

I finished Duke Nukem Forever's The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC after Space Marine, and it was alright... Nothing special, but it does have a few high points (the clone training facility is amusing and the moon level is visually stunning) as well as a few low points; the Gears-Of-War-parodying Dylan character's dialogue, in particular. I wouldn't pay more than $10 for it, and even then, it won't change your mind if you weren't already a fan.

The 1.0.5 patch for the Android port of Puzzle Quest 2 (possibly because of my recent upgrade to Android 4) is choppier, fails to load pretty frequently, sometimes simply doesn't display assets (black rooms, inaccurate maps, etc...), and occasionally crashes.

Speaking of Android 4, it's an adjustment, but an easy one because it's very pretty and the new layout and functionalities make sense. It's still decimating my battery, so I keep mobile data disabled unless I'm using it... Which sucks for work e-mails.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Loved it!

Space Marine is rock solid. Great graphics, delightfully visceral gameplay, a surprisingly engaging story with endearing characters... And multiplayer I'm actually interested in!? There isn't much bad here; I've read complaints about checkpoints and the "cliffhanger" ending, and I noticed some infequent issues with models getting stuck on world geometry, but it's all so minor in context. The checkpoints could've been laid-out a little more efficiently to reduce time spent running around, but if they were placed any more frequently, the game would've been far too easy; the designers managed to find the right balance of feeling like a total badass while still having to replay the challenging points a few times. Yes, you're going to waste some time, but no, it's not particularly frustrating. The ending isn't a huge cliffhanger, but rather a setup of things to come; the main story is still self-contained and complete. As for the good, many people immediately draw comparisons to Gears Of War, and while I see why they do; Gears is all about finding cover, whereas Space Marine is all about not giving a fuck because you have a chainsword!  Seriously though, Space Marine is such a slick production and a refreshing departure from everything else. It's ridiculously surreal, yet takes itself completely seriously without coming-off as silly. It redefines the beat-'em-up genre while marrying it to the third-person shooter genre with aplomb. Gears is still killer, but Space Marine gives us something genuinely new and exciting. Oh, and the multiplayer: I got into it to earn an achievement for the Great Gift Pile contest on Steam, and ended-up having so much fun I stuck around well after earning the prize! I'm putting it hold for now so I can work on this stack of unplayed games, but I'll be coming back to it, I'm sure.

Speaking of stacks of games, I've picked-up the following on Steam:
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
  • Crysis: Maximum Edition
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • L.A. Noire
  • Sonic Generations
  • Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic
  • Star Wars: Republic Commando
I also won copies of Grotesque Tactics and Portal, as well as a bunch of Steam coupons... I'm so screwed.