Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The Diablo III beta stress-test weekend dealie was stellar; May 15th can't come soon enough! I'm playing Hellfire in preparation (it was either that or Dungeon Siege; I've never finished either, but I've hardly spent any time with the latter), but man, for those 13 levels, I was in a fantastic place. It's a little disappointing that a lot of the great ideas implemented in the new Diablo game have already been seen in the competition, but the visuals and storytelling make-up for it. As for Hellfire, I made it to the hive playing as a Monk (who's pretty overpowered from the outset), and things suddenly got kinda underwhelming with some pretty weak level design and annoying characters,; I wasn't all that disappointed when I discovered that uninstalling something called Sierra Utilities deleted my character. What to do...

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