Friday, June 29, 2012

I'll get around to it...

Harley Quinn's Revenge was fine; kinda short, kinda boring, not enough Robin, too much bad dialogue. Yeah, not really worth $10.

Sonic Generations kinda rules... Like, it's actually a great game. Great gameplay (except for the Perfect Chaos boss battle; some design kinks in there), inside jokes for longtime fans of the series, and loads of replay value implemented in a way that perfectly complements the balance of speed and exploration found (though often overlooked) in traditional Sonic games. I hear the 3DS version is completely different, so I'll be picking that one up too.

Bought a Vita with four games (Gravity Rush, Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and WipEout 2048; two were free as part of a sale), a 32GB memory card (~$60, used), and a hard case; That was Friday... Been busy though, and haven't had a chance to open it yet.

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