Thursday, January 05, 2012


Had a hell of a time installing RAGE...

  1. Steam requires games to be installed on the same drive as the Steam client; I keep Steam on my system drive, which you may recall is a 60GB SSD; even retail copies of RAGE require a 25GB Steam installation; after some manual clean-up, I had just enough space.
  2. Game just wouldn't start; hung at the "Preparing to launch RAGE..." window; moved Steam client to a different drive and re-installed RAGE from the discs, just for fun; same problem.
  3. Used Steam's back-up utility to back-up RAGE; moved Steam back to the system drive and then restored the back-up; everything works!
Anyway, I'm just getting started, and things aren't as bad as I was led to believe by the reviews. The graghics are gorgeous and the gameplay's solid; the story's a little contrived, but nothing awful; essentially I'm seeing a simple and solid FPS with stuff to do between levels.

I finished Duke Nukem Forever's The Doctor Who Cloned Me DLC after Space Marine, and it was alright... Nothing special, but it does have a few high points (the clone training facility is amusing and the moon level is visually stunning) as well as a few low points; the Gears-Of-War-parodying Dylan character's dialogue, in particular. I wouldn't pay more than $10 for it, and even then, it won't change your mind if you weren't already a fan.

The 1.0.5 patch for the Android port of Puzzle Quest 2 (possibly because of my recent upgrade to Android 4) is choppier, fails to load pretty frequently, sometimes simply doesn't display assets (black rooms, inaccurate maps, etc...), and occasionally crashes.

Speaking of Android 4, it's an adjustment, but an easy one because it's very pretty and the new layout and functionalities make sense. It's still decimating my battery, so I keep mobile data disabled unless I'm using it... Which sucks for work e-mails.

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