I downloaded the following XBOX 360 demos overnight and played them today:
Dishwasher: Dead Samurai was surprisingly good! I'd heard it was a hardcore 2D beat-'em-up, and the videos looked pretty cool, but playing it made a huge difference. Aside from the somewhat sparse animation, I don't really have much to complain about (and I do have lots to enjoy) here.
Flock was really slick, but didn't seem like something I'd put a whole lot of time into. It plays like a good game, but not my cup of tea.
Ninja Blade was almost really cool. Easier than Ninja Gaiden, but the quick-time-events? Man, were 90% of them completely useless! Maybe if I see it in on sale...
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena was pretty much what I remembered from The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay on the PC, and I really liked the original.
Wanted seemed like a waste of a demo. It comes across as a Gears Of War-esque action game, but with worse graphics and a much less epic feel to it. I suspect they may have just chosen a bad scene to present in the demo, but much like the movie, it ended up feeling like a great concept with too many important details glossed-over.
Wheelman was fun, but pretty mindless, and thus very easy. Something I'd definitely consider on the cheap, but probably wouldn't give too much thought at full price.
Oh, and my new Universe BIOS 3.0 EPROM came! Thanks Razoola! :)