Saturday, January 10, 2009


Phenom II is out, and it looks to be a solid competitor for the price, especially at stock speeds. While it has room for overclocking, it doesn't seem to be much of a real enthusiast part; comparably-clocked Core 2 Quads and Core i7s still win, so the real market seems to be people who want a solid value out of the box (or to drop a new CPU into their AM2+ motherboards). It's a tempting prospect, supporting AMD/ATi, but I think I'd go for a Core i7 920 over a Phenom II 940 Black Edition at this point. The parts are within $5 of each other at the moment, and the i7 looks to offer a better upgrade path. Perhaps AMD's AM3 CPUs will really shake up the current landscape, but we'll hafta wait 'n see on that one.

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