Thursday, January 08, 2009


I saw the following post in a discussion over at ars techinca:
Microsoft's hot new operating system runs on netbooks with as little as 1GB RAM and a 1GHz processor. Compare that to their last fiasco of an operating system, which could only run on super-powerful notebooks with no less than 1GB RAM and a 1GHz processor! See the difference? There's an "O" in "notebook"!

Not only that, but this sweet hot newness uses an old reliable printer driver model (Type 3 driver) that was introduced back with Windows 2000, assuring compatibility with everything except the crappiest low-end cheap consumer gear with shitty drivers. Compare that with the old and busted nasty previous operating system that used a wacky new printer driver model (Type 3 driver) that took printer manufacturers completely by surprise, especially when they were too busy introducing a new model of $30 inkjet every 3 weeks to read up on arcane Windows 2000 driver models. Microsoft really dropped the ball on that one, let me tell you.

And to top it off, this veritable gift from the gods of programming finally has a sane security model, where applications launched by the user cannot write to system locations without, at least by default, notifying the user that something fishy may be going on. Compare this with the diseased rat kidney of a product that bugged the user EVERY SINGLE TIME the free registry cleaner they downloaded from that Chinese website tried to overwrite ntoskrnl.exe.

THANK YOU MICROSOFT FOR NOT JUST RE-RELEASING VISTA AND CALLING IT "MOJAVE"! We consumers are just a little more discerning than that, now they we have the Internet to inform our purchasing decisions!

EDIT: Full disclosure--I'm a Linux user since 1997 and wouldn't use Windows unless I had to, but the cognitive dissonance around Windows 7 is just deafening.
It's nice to see something not just clever, but so well written!

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