Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I tracked down a copy of Brütal Legend after work yesterday (the used record store had two copies left; everywhere else in the area was sold out), but didn't get a chance to play it until this morning... Since I had to go into work, I've only played through the intro and have yet to hit the RTS aspect of the game that supposedly throws the quality of the whole experience into question...

I also noticed copies of Shining Force II (Genesis) and Super Off Road (SNES) ~$2 each at that same used record store, so I grabbed them as well. Super Off Road needed a cleaning, but I didn't notice that until I'd already tested it and popped ActRaiser back in... At which point ActRaiser wouldn't start properly, and then erased my saved progress. I only had like two more levels to go! D'ah well, I guess that just clears my schedule up a bit for Brütal Legend :)

I finally got around to sitting down with Gran Turismo and MotorStorm: Arctic Edge on PSP, and was promptly confused. Just about everyone's been talking about how pretty Gran Turismo is and how ugly MotorStorm is, and I think they got it backwards. GT runs at an amazingly high frame rate, but it ain't the prettiest game on the platform; Need For Speed: ProStreet looks way better. MotorStorm looks pretty great too, so I'm just kinda scratching my head here... Anyway, GT's a hardcore sim that takes a lot of practice to master. MotorStorm is big, dumb, visceral fun that's great in short bursts, but gets kinda repetitive if you try to do it all at once. ProStreet (quickly becoming one of my favourite racers on the PSP) is somewhere in the middle, but definitely more toward the sim side of the spectrum.

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