Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I'd like to draw your attention to shahir29, an active member of the GameFAQs community, and architect of some very nice roster updates for NHL 07 on PSP; you can find his work here, and I must say that I'm pretty impressed with it so far. My current lines on the Leafs are as follows: Ponikarovsky-Stajan-Antropov, Blake-Moore-Stempniak, Hagman-Mitchell-Mayers, Kulemuin-Grabovski-Hollweg, Kaberle-Kubina, Van Ryn-Schenn, and Frogren-White... I've got to do some shuffling with the second and fourth forward lines, but it's nice to be away from the likes of Allison, O'Neil, and Lindros ;) The time it takes to navigate the start-up screens and menus is still painful and half of the soundtrack just plain sucks, but this'll tide me over for a while yet.

Moving on, I traded-in my second copy of PaRappa The Rapper for PSX (at a profit), Jak II for PS2 (Greatest Hits edition), as well as Mercenaries and NHL 2K7 for XBOX, and got Gunstar Heroes for Genesis (complete with case and manual; all in great condition).

Now then, I remember wanting to talk more about Crisis Core, but since the dust has settled, I realise that I've already said just about all there is to say. It is worth noting, however, that the grinding in this game goes far beyond reason. Well before I was halfway through the story, I was nearing the halfway mark of the side missions; that means that my item and materia selections were pretty impressive, and thus the results of my materia fusion experiments were powerful, to say the least. By the time I was halfway through the main plot, my basic attacks were inflicting close to 9999 damage points, and boss fights were over after just a few button presses... The thing is, I didn't spend inordinate amounts of time grinding through the side missions; I'd just play though all the ones I could handle at my level and then move on with the plot when things got too tough. While it was kinda nice to be all-powerful for the second half of the game, it definitely took something away from the experience. The really scary thing is that there was still a whole lot more to acheive and unlock! I guess that's good for replay value, or completists, or MMO players who want to grind on the go... But I think I'm done. So it's a gorgeous game with a silly plot (could've been really good, but cultural differences got in the way and things got convoluted), some balance issues, and plenty to do... Definitely worth your time.

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