Friday, December 19, 2008

Cheeky Bastards

So the Sonic Unleashed demo has been out on XBOX Live for a little while now, and I finally got some time to sit down with it last night. The demo only offers one level, and it's a regular Sonic level (the only good part of the full game, according to reviews). First and foremost, Sonic Team's Hedgehog Engine is gorgeous! Seriously, this game looks really good, and the sense of speed is great. The controls ain't bad, and branching paths and various control techniques hint at a lot of replay value. Based on the demo, Unleashed looks the kind of game you can either whip through and enjoy, or memorise and practice to explore and achieve more. Sadly, the demo's apparently not completely indicative of the final product, as these fun levels are broken up by mandatory quest and werehog crap... Grrr; I hate bait-and-switch techniques like that. I'm tempted to just stick with the demo, never play the full game, and fantasise about what could have been... But I suspect I'll buy the full game if I ever find it on the cheap.

In far less disappointing news, I picked up copies of Alien Crush (TG16), Bonk 2 (PC Engine), Skate (360), God Hand (PS2), and The Bouncer (PS2) :)

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