Saturday, December 06, 2008


XBOX 360 demo impressions:
  • Banjo Kazooie: Nuts 'n Bolts was pretty and fun to toy around with, but ultimately kinda boring. I never did get into the previous games in the series, so as an essentially new experience, this one didn't hold my attention. The vehicle construction bits were cool, but the tutorials were frustratingly not-helpful and I didn't have the patience to see just how deep they went. It's cheaper than most new releases, and the reviews are generally posuitiove though, so it's likely worth checking out if vehicle construction and world exploration are what you're into.
  • Mirror's Edge is very pretty, and a lot of fun once you get the hang of the controls and the levels. It's all about practicing until you find a way to flow through the level, which is once of the things I loved about Crackdown and Assassin's Creed... Unfortunately, the full game is supposedly pretty underdeveloped in terms of both extending gameplay and fleshing out a cohesive plot. Hopefully the upcoming downloadable content will solidify things without adding too much mor cost to what already seems to be an overpriced game.
  • Dead Space sure does feel like Resident Evil 4 in space. I didn't like Resident Evil 4, but everyone else seemed to, so you draw your own conclusions for this one.
  • Mercenaries 2, like Mercenaries, is a good Grand Theft Auto clone that has been. transplanted into a warzone. I didn't much care for either, though they didn't seem to do anything poorly.
  • Fracture was surprisingly enjoyable. Much like TimeShift, it seemed like a generic sci-fi FPS with an impotent gimmick, but a solid game nevertheless; I might actually be tempted to pick this one up, should I find it on the cheap.
Anyway, I'm now spending my portable time with Killzone: Liberation (very enjoyable), NHL 07 (looking into getting roster updates), and Wario Land II (on the second last chapter). Othwerise, I'm getting into Rayman on Jaguar and I've pretty much given up on Jak 3 on PS2;  I'm near the end of Act II, defending Jinx while he destroys the eco grid (or something like that), and I can't help but feel sad about how fun the first game in the series was and how tedious this one is.

Moving on, I found a copy of Gungrave on the cheap, so I picked that up. It's pretty cool, but it keeps bringing up the pause menu mid-gameplay, even though my thumbs are nowhere near the Start button...

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