Remembered seeing Bug Too! for Saturn at a local shop for relatively cheap a while back, and decided to go pick it up yesterday. Snapped up Ecco The Dolphin and Ooga Booga for Dreamcast while I was there, and then saw ReBoot for PSX, so I picked that up (after reading this)... AND THEN I SAW VIRTUAL BOY WARIO LAND!!! FINALLY!!! Seriously, you don't understand how excited I got! So I bought that, and you know what was underneath it? Mario Clash! My Virtual Boy was immediately dusted off when I got home, and despite my crossed fingers, it was still suffering from what appears to be a loose connection to the left lens (I don't get horizontal lines, but I do get glitches). It's a pretty common issue, resulting from a design flaw with the system (let's use glue to connect a ribbon cable to a moving part in a closed environment that may get hot!), and not too hard to fix. Luckily, the longer I left the system on, the better it got (yay heat!), so I've been thoroughly enjoying both new acquisitions. Virtual Boy Wario Land is as wonderful as I remember, and Mario Clash is a lot more fun that I expected it to be. I really wish that system had taken off, or at least hung in there a while longer... So much potential.
I guess I should also note that Wario World is kinda growing on me (especially the pause music!), that I'm at the final battle of Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, and that I'm getting back into the last few levels of Crush. Oh, and I spent some quality time with Team Fortress 2 earlier in the week... Good times.
Also, that Diablo III teaser mystery on the Blizzard's splash page was fun... I noticed the runes and uncovered the pieces of the penguin drawing in the CSS, but didn't bother looking into what any of it meant :)
Anyway, there was a surprise waiting for me when I got to work yesterday: The server had crashed! I'd had it running for like months without a hitch! What the hell!? Turns out some dude installing additional security cameras was doing some work over the server, didn't bother covering it (so it was littered with bits of copper wire when I got there), and left his magnetized tools up against the tower! Yeah, hey, kids, just so you know, magnets and tiny pieces of conductive metal are bad for computers! Gah!
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