Monday, May 25, 2009

Shitty Game

I got a Japanese (or possibly European) copy of Tails' Adventure for Game Gear from a friend, and swapped it for a North American copy at a local shop. That may have been a bad deal for me, but the game kinda sucks anyway and my collection looks more consistent this way ;)

Anyway, I also finally got around to checking out yet another local game shop, and came away with complete copies of ChuChu Rocket! for Dreamcast, AMOK for Saturn, Shockwave: Operation Jumpgate for 3DO, Fahrenheit for 32X CD, and Eternal Champions for SEGA CD. Still haven't found Ristar for Genesis or Nightshade for PS2, but I do have a copy of The Cyber Shinobi for Master System on its way.

I've made it past the fifth level in Wario Land 3, but decided to find every ending in Wario Land II before I go any further in the sequel.

Finally, just 'cause I'm feeling saucy, how does this look:
  • Intel Core i7 920
  • 12GB of 1600MHz DDR3 (triple channel)
  • Asus P6T
  • 1GB Sapphire Radeon HD 4890
  • Antec TruePower Trio 650W
Funny thing: That all works out to $1337 before taxes ;)

I guess I should probably look into a new case and monitor, as well as a hard drive upgrade... But those can wait.

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