Thursday, August 21, 2008


I stopped by the shop where I picked up the Jaguar to see if they'd brought in anything new (they had gotten Tempest 2000 in, but someone beat me to it), and I saw a sealed copy of World Series Baseball '96 for Genesis for $10! I loved the first World Series Baseball game when it first came out in 1994, and I didn't even know they'd made a third one for Genesis. I've never actually owned any of them, so it was an easy sell. Anyway, it was just a strange experience to unwrap the cellophane from a sealed Genesis game box... Since then, however, I've (re?)discovered that there was a 32X version (that I'd love to find a copy of) and a fourth Genesis version ('98). Rats... Here I thought I'd gotten the final iteration of one of the Genesis' better games... I knew '98 had come out on the Saturn, but had no idea there was a Genesis release as well.

Anyway, I also picked up DooM and Trevor McFur for Jaguar, as they agreed to drop the prices and gave me a decent trade-in value on some old stuff I had (Ghost Recon for XBOX, Mind Quiz for PSP, King Of Fighters EX for GBA, TrickStyle and Royal Rumble for Dreamcast), and added myself to their waiting list for Tempest 2000, Wolfenstien 3D (higher-resolution sprites than the original, but they're always facing you), and Alien Vs. Predator.

I've recently finished Dark Sector and plan on writing something a little more in-depth in the near future, I'm almost done Call Of Duty 4 (three scenes stand out as being absolutely phenomenal
so far), and Metroid Prime is quickly shaping up to be one of my favourite games ever... Seriously, I wish I'd bought a GameCube when this came out, and I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to play it!

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