Finished Assassin's Creed. I enjoyed the game quite a bit and can't wait to see what happens next in the story, but the gameplay did get pretty tired by the end. Then again, I saved every citizen, scaled every viewpoint, and completed every intelligence gathering mission (almost completely unnecessary to finish the game), so perhaps being less of a completist would've alleviated a lot of that repetitive feeling. It's interesting that at the outset I couldn't wait to get into the 1191 gameplay, but by the end I was pretty impatient with the 1191 setting and looking forward to new developments in the near-future setting... I guess that's effective at setting up sequels :)
I've now moved back to Dead Rising. That game frustrates me. It's unconventional in its design, so the learning curve is steep... Initially, I had a huge problem with missing side missions and dealing with the save system, but now I'm getting comfortable with the idea of focusing on the main mission, managing my time and resources within the unfamiliar limitations of the game, and bothering no further than is convenient with side missions. It's a sandbox-style game with some pretty huge limitations, and that kinda rubs me the wrong way... But this could still end up being fun. I just need to remind myself that I'm playing this game for the zombie-bashing experience rather than the story or the achievements.
Still devoting a lot of my time to unlocking characters in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2; 13 to go.
Found a copy of Panzer Dragoon Zwei yesterday... Finally :)
I also grabbed the free demo of the Spore Creature Creator. It's limited, but still fun. After seeing the creatures that some people out there have come up with though, I'm thinking this is a product that really appeals to children, visual artists, and perverts... And I'm none of those things. Hopefully the full game offers something I can really sink my teeth into.
Anyway, I was downloading a build of Debian over BitTorrent the other evening, and noticed things were moving pretty slowly... 30kB/s, to be exact. I'm pretty sure that's not 7Mb/s, so I tried a few other Torrents; same deal. It was fast again around 2:00am. Looks like Bell finally got around to throttling its customers in the newly fibre optic-ified neighbourhoods :\ So... Do I wait to see what comes of this, or switch to cable and hope for the best?
Finally, I figured out what's been wrong with my main PC! Looks like one set of the front USB ports on my case (I have two sets of two) is the culprit. I'd been keeping my XBOX 360 controller plugged into one of them, and keeping it unplugged for a month solved the problem. Plugging it back in this week had things acting funny again. I tried my iPod on the port just above that one (same motherboard connector), and got the same result. That's annoying.
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