I completed Jurassic Park on SEGA CD last night. The graphics have held up reasonably well since 1993, and the game is just long and challenging enough to keep an adventure gaming fan such as myself really engrossed in the experience. I particularly liked how collecting each dinosaur species' eggs required a realistic approach that is specific to each dinosaur's traits; how utahraptors require frenzied combat, dilophosaurs require speed, tricerataops require caution and timing, etc... It adds a decent bit of realism to the game. The acting isn't too cheesy either, and Dr. Bakker's informational videos are genuinely interesting and educational while providing crucial hints to help players solve many of the game's puzzles. While Jurassic Park would've been close to perfect with a quicksave or checkpoint feature, their absence led to a lot of wasted time travelling back to the points where the dinosaurs killed you; it's the only real strike against the game, as anything else would just be nitpicking.
Anyway, I've picked up Sonic CD (what a fantastic soundtrack!), Tomcat Alley, and Panic! for SEGA CD, Virtua Fighter Kids and Fighters Megamix for Saturn, Beyond Good And Evil for XBOX (it was $10, and I loved it on PC), and Rez HD since my last post. Panic! (a hand drawn cartoon game comprised entirely of arbitrarily pushing buttons and watching what happens as a result) and Fighters Megamix (Virtua Fighter vs. Fighting Vipers vs. random SEGA characters) are two in particular that I've been meaning to play for many years now, and they both live up to my expectations... They're both exceedingly weird and inexplicably fun to play :) Oh, and Rez HD is as amazing as ever. Buy it.
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