Monday, January 02, 2017


  • ABZÛ is a solid Journey knock-off.
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider was great fun; a fantastic balance of open-world playground and story-driven single-player... The dialogue sucks though, and really hurt the actors as well as the story... And the story's already kinda weak as it is.
  • INSIDE is like Limbo, but better. The secret ending is pretty cool, but I think I like the normal one better.
  • The Witness is a goddamned masterpiece of design. Holy fucking shithelldamnfart. Game of the Year alongside DOOM, for me. I haven't felt that way in... I dunno... It's insane how powerful that experience was. Played-through to the "endgame" with zero hints. Took me about 20 hours to power-up all 11 lasers, unlock and watch three films (with two more left unlocked and one left unlocated), countless audio logs, and a smattering of glyphs, and then I just kinda went for the ending... And now I'm wishing I'd spent more time with it. I will revisit it soon.
  • ReCore just feels great, even if the whole experience seems a little anemic. I'm about halfway through, and still enjoying it quite a bit.
  • As for Marvel Puzzle Quest, I've started championing three-star characters, and am showing no signs of slowing-down. Well done, Demiurge!
  • Picked-up Mortal Kombat XL on sale on Steam; 35GB download though... Yeesh!

Moving on, the only reason for me to pick-up an XBOX One at this point is Crimson Dragon and Halo 5 single-player, right? Everything else (Forza, Gears of War, Halo 5: Forge, Killer Instinct, ReCore) are on Windows 10 now, right? Huh.

Was considering a PS4 Slim + Uncharted 4 + WATCH_DOGS2 bundle, but then I read that The Last Guardian runs better on PS4 Pro, so now I'm waiting for a PS4 Pro price drop... Which is fine 'cause I already have too much to play anyway.

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