Saturday, January 07, 2017


So it took a year-and-a-half, but NetherRealm finally fixed the Windows port of Mortal Kombat X, released the XL update, and dropped the price to $17 CDN! After a 35GB download, a tutorial, and a wander around The Krypt, I'm a little overwhelmed... Like, the I'm-never-gonna-put-in-the-time-necessary-to-get-good-at-this kind of overwhelmed.

Maybe I should just go back to Street Fighter V... Except it's too hard to earn anything in-game, and I'm cheap. I guess there's always Killer Instinct; that's pretty badass and I don't feel like I'm terrible at it :)

Also, 18-hours into ReCore, and...  The concept's great but the story's paper-thin; the audio logs're just plain silly, and not in a good way; Unity's a little buggy with this one, but it's nothing show-stopping; there're a few holes in the geometry and a missing sound effect or two... And yet I'm still having fun exploring and grinding and unlocking cool shit. Well worth the $25 I paid for it, even if it does fall apart by the end :p

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