My initial idea evolved into a sort of mascot title; a 2D sidescroller featuring a jaguar as the main character. The focus would be on animation, and so movement would be a huge part of the gameplay; running, jumping, acrobatics, interacting with the environment... Of course, it wasn't long before I realised that I was essentially describing a version of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure in which the player controls the first boss instead of Harry Jr. Still not a bad idea, and some iteration of that may come to fruition.
The second idea stemmed from Ruiner Pinball. That game only begins to experiment with what the Jaguar can do, so I'm thinking a solid 2D pinball game with massive levels, generous use of scaling sprites (zooming-out as the ball speeds up, truly dynamic tables, etc...), and fluid animation (especially on the ball itself). Nothing groundbreaking in terms of pinball, but it could be a real showpiece for the system's 2D capablities.
The third idea would be some sort of adventure game, or at least something story-driven. I figure that since I can't draw worth a damn and my coding skills are supremely rusty, I could try another approach altogether, of a kind the Jaguar hasn't seen much, and see where that takes me :)
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