Finally finished Metroid Prime 2. Ugh. It's not that it was too hard, overcomplicated, or took too long... It's just that the last few sections kinda sucked all the fun and wonder out of the game :\ I went from exploring this enormous world to scouring it for invisible treasure based on cryptic clues. No, I didn't mind doing the same thing in the first Metroid Prime game, but in this case, the bigger world and the whole light and dark version of each area just made things so unwieldy. It felt like they got things just right the first time, but pushed them too far this time.
***POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD***Then there was the big, three-stage, boss encounter. Not bad, but man did it suck having to start the whole battle all over if I failed near the end. Of the maybe four or five times I tried it, only once did I stick around for a second go instead of turning the thing off and walking away. Then, after that fight, with a timer counting down and the save station disabled, they throw the real final boss encounter at you! Fuck! Does that mean that if I fail here, then I have to do both battles all over again!? It does not, thankfully, as I discovered when I neglected to rescan the final boss simply because it had moved to the middle of the screen... Which apparently means that it has taken a new form and requires a whole new attack strategy. I didn't figure this out until I was pretty much dead and wondering what the hell was going on. Maybe it changed colour and I didn't notice or something? Anyway, I died, continued at the end of the previous battle, kicked the final boss' ass in no time at all, and watched an unexciting ending cinematic.
***OKAY I'M DONE WITH THE POSSIBLE SPOILERS***Anyway, really good game, but I'm glad I'm done with it. I really hope the third one's better. Until then, however, I'm playing Gears Of War 2 and having a blast already :)