Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lies! All Lies!

I have been deceived! In my half-assed search to find a compatible HSF mounting bracket for an old Socket423 motherboard I have lying around, I stumbled across some interesting stock on the website of a local computer shop. I've dealt with this place before, and it certainly doesn't have the best reputation in town, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway. They had both a CoolerMaster Socket423 HSF and an ASUS P4C800 motherboard listed as "In stock", and I figured it's entirely possible that they had a dusty old box or two kicking around the store. I planned on checking-out the HSF to see if it included the mounting bracket, and the motherboard was just a great find (Socket478 motherboards using Intel's 875 chipset haven't been manufactured in quite some time, and would offer a nice performance boost to any of my P4-based systems). Turns-out they had neither, and tried to push a VIA-based ASUS board on me instead... Bah!

In other news, the freelance work continues to roll-in steadily, and I've picked up Shinobi for my SMS as well Crash Bandicoot 2 and Crash Bandicoot Warped for my PS2. Wheee!

Speaking of Naughty Dog (Crash, Jak), this looks awfully cool.

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