Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I hope you like text...

DOOM CD32X Fusion v2.0 adds a bunch of good stuff like episode-specific intermission backgrounds for DOOM, and it brings back the low detail rendering mode which looks really good on a period-correct TV over video connections like S-Video and composite. I like that the IDKFA soundtrack can be disabled from the in-game menu, though I couldn't get that ISO to work on my SEGA CD so... Almost there, but still just wow; what an incredible project, and what a monumental achievement.

Speaking of period-correct TVs and video connections like S-Video and composite, filters like ntsc-256px/320px-svideo-scanline really are the best way to experience a lot of old games as intended. So many comparisons out there, even from respected creators, ignore the displays of the time and then old games end-up being unfairly maligned. Genesis and early Game Boy Advance games are particularly done dirty by modern documentarians on account of how those platforms compensate for their colour and brightness limitations, respectively. SEGA's colour-dithering often looks pretty rough on modern displays, and a lot of Nintendo's colour palettes do not translate well from the the unlit original GBA. I keep seeing comparisons that include titles like Mortal Kombat II on the 32X and make the backgrounds look embarrassing next to the Super Nintendo and newer; those backgrounds look so much closer to each other on their contemporary displays though, and the Genesis' higher resolution is the dealbreaker in many cases. Something like the SNES version of Aero the Acrobat may look better on a modern emulator, but capture that over S-Video and then compare it to the Genesis version... Now consider the gameplay issues introduced by the Nintendo version's limited playfield, and all of a sudden those transparency effects and Mode 7 bonus levels don't really matter. Maui Mallard is another frustrating example of prevalent, wrong-minded discourse; the SNES port is painfully broken, but people keep giving it underserved points over the Genesis version because it's being viewed through too-modern a lens. All versions of that game have their issues but the Genesis release is by far the most complete and playable, plus it looks comparable to the SNES port on a proper display. As for a prime GBA example, the alleged travesty of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure actually looks and plays really well on original hardware, and even better on something like an Analogue Pocket with the proper filter. It's akin to those comparisons of the audio output of different Genesis models - they're nowhere near as varied in reality as some of the videos make them out to be, but ignorance and clickbait tend to muddy the waters :(

Anyway, here're some modern Commodore 64 games that really impressed:

  • Battle Kingdom - Venture!
  • C64anabalt - Incredible port.
  • Empire Strikes Back - Pretty.
  • L'Abbaye des Morts - Stunning, artistic, and epic... But pretty difficult.
  • Lester - MegatroidVania?
  • Nixy The Glade Sprite - Looks great, but crashes a lot for me; not sure why yet.
  • Ooze: The Escape - MetalStorm...troidVania?
  • Powerglove - Fun!
  • Puzzle Bobble - Incredible port.
  • Runn 'n' Gunn - Slick!

Finished Landstalker, and I'm torn - so much potential to be an all-time, genre-defining, system showpiece... But the combat sucks (especially the trivial bosses), the menu interactions are annoying (shopkeepers repeats themselves ad nauseam), and the puzzles are asinine; that last one is made worse by the fact that so many of the game's most frustrating points could be solved with minor programming logic and visual design changes. The game otherwise boasts incredible graphics, a unique charm and aesthetic, a big world to truly explore, and some really good music. It's all worthy of a remaster à la Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap; but in the meantime it isn't helped by the Analogue Pocket's D-pad, and the idea of a dead battery erasing your progress on an original cartridge would be absolutely infuriating. For now, an emulator or an FPGA core with a good CRT filter and support for something like a Genesis 6 Button Arcade Pad or an 8BitDo M30 is the way to go.

Up next for Genesis is a toss-up between Crusader of Centy, Shadowrun, or Wonder Boy in Monster World...

Finished The Last of Us Part II; phenomenal experience. Even when things get frustrating along the way, the pay-offs are always worth it.

Can't bring myself to finish Suicide Squad... Maybe one day, but it's just so boring.

Atari 50 + DLC is a solid collection; weird pricing though - it was cheaper to buy the game and the DLC bundle on-sale than buying all of it in one bundle on-sale.

Also grabbed Space Beast Terror Fright; was really excited for a fresh take on Space Hulk, but this is brutally hard; should try with friends, 'cause I'm not making much progress on my own.

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