PS5 games on sale for $40~$60 CDN, and I haven't bought any. Did get Gravity Rush 2 and Fist of the North Star though... Did I miss anything?
Notice a theme?
- Mooncrash started to feel unwieldy as I got closer to the end and I've let it fall by the wayside.
- Almost done Payback but one of the off-road races feels incredibly broken and just stopped being fun after a few tries.
- Gears 5 is really solid but I ran into one boss fight that I had to quit before I got too angry at it.
- Pumpkin Jack is fun and light and looks great and it won't remember my VSync setting and sometimes forgets my RTX setting and the writing is cringey and the VO is worse and the cinematics are redundant.
- Battlefield V was fine; Nordlys was especially good.
- Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is really fun.
- Soul Calibur VI is ridiculous.
- Dead or Alive 5: Last Round and Dead or Alive 6 are just as accessible and satisfying as ever.
- DiRT 4
- Flipping Death
- Glittermitten Grove
- The Sexy Brutale
- Street Fighter V Champion Edition
- Walkabout Mini Golf
- Zombie Vikings
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