Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Make it Stinky!

Finished Quake II: Ground Zero. The ending was silly. The rest was ambitious and mostly successful, but Xatrix made the overall-better Mission Pack - it was just a tighter package that was more fun to play. Ground Zero looked better, felt more organic, and was a bigger undertaking, but it all felt so cumbersome by the end and then just sputtered-out.

Played a few minutes Unreal 'cause it's free on right now... S'alright... Which is kinda sad 'cause it absolutely blew my mind when it first came out.

While on, I also grabbed American McGee's Grimm 'cause I keep meaning to finally play past the first episode, and yeah... It's simple and kinda fun, I guess. The gameplay's not exactly challenging, the story's pretty juvenile, and the exploration is rudimentary... The presentation is the highlight, but I dunno if it's enough to keep me going.

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