Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Finally found a good use for crates in an FPS...

The Reckoning looks bland throughout; like, so very, very brown... And yet it's a tight single-player campaign with a solid climax! The crate-jumping puzzles especially stand-out as a neat sort of minigame throughout, too... Weird. Ground Zero makes way better use of colour and the level design is labyrinthine in a good way, but the new weapons're kinda meh and the wall-mounted lasers're waaay too powerful. The whole thing feels a bit like a slog next to the Reckoning, but I'm still glad I went back and played through both.

Otherwise, I'm getting in the core of Ys VIII, ReCore: Definitive Edition is up next, and I've been spending way too much time fixing people's failing computers this past week like something cosmic :\

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