Thursday, April 13, 2017


So MPQ nerfed Old Man Logan since my last post, saying over 10% of all battles won include an Old Man Logan on the player’s team. I mean, it's not like Wolverine's one of the most popular characters ever, Old Man Logan is one of the most revered graphic novels ever, the Logan movie just kicked ass at the boxoffice, and as the oldest five-star cover, chances're good that players will have more of them than others... I get their rationale and I'm not against the changes, but I just thought the logic was kinda questionable, y'know? :)

Anyway, I was updating my account info, and decide to re-install Diablo III to see what's changed over the past few years... And now I'm right back at it and this Paragon business with my barbarian; thinking demon hunter next.

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