Thursday, November 27, 2014

Deal or No Deal?

$330 for ~$550 worth of stuff (XBOX One, Assassin's Creed Black Flag and Unity, and a $50 gift card or another game) would be very tempting if I actually wanted either of those games on that platform... The PS4 deals are even less tempting :\

I did snag Alien: Isolation plus all seven pieces of DLC for $55 at the humble Store though, which is MUCH better than the $100, store-specific pre-order bullshit they tried at launch.

Finally moving forward with Crysis 3 and Metro 2033 again after getting snagged on some particularly tricky save-points... Bravely Default is still awesome, and Legend of Grimrock II is getting tougher... Or maybe I'm just not doing it right.

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