I want to buy Bayonetta 2 and Hyrule Warriors, mostly because I want to support the Wii U... The thing is, they're both selling at a premium price ($65 here in Canada) and I don't actually enjoy those styles of action game. For example, while I haven't finished any of them, I've played every Devil May Cry game, and they're just so silly, thumb-cramp-inducing, and drawn-out in their combat. DmC was probably my favourite, and I quickly sold my copies of the first three... That's probably blasphemy... Also, Otogi was cool... Ninja Gaiden kinda blows... God of War is more my pace when it comes to that genre ;) Same goes for the whole Dynasty Warriors/N3/whatever style; I always got too bored before too long to bother sticking around.
D'ah well.
Have I ever mentioned that I loved S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, bugs 'n all? Did I mention that Clear Sky almost turned me off the whole genre completely and I'm afraid to touch Call of Pripyat? Or how I initially thought Metro 2033 was much more similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. than it actually is? No? Huh. Well... Yeah. Finally got around to Metro (not Redux), and it's kinda exactly what I've been itching for. Despite being really rough around the edges, it's still just a fun, atmospheric, story-driven FPS that's neither too easy nor too unforgiving. I'm kinda upset that I waited so long to play it, but also really looking forward to Last Light all of a sudden :)
Ooh! Also! GeForce 780s've been slashed to, like, $300! Video card upgrade time! I'm looking at the ZOTAC GeForce GTX 780 AMP! Edition 'cause it's regularly, like, $560. I'm still really happy with my Radeon HD 5850, but I've got a good home for that one, too.
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