I finally got around to playing Singularity! Later the next day, I had nearly completed Singularity. While it's not an overly-long game, it's not too short either; I was actually just so into it that I kept coming back. It looks good, the story's interesting, the action is tense and visceral - Raven did it again... Almost. Is it a BioShock clone? Yup. Do the expository setpieces break the flow of everything else? Oh yeah. Is the upgrade system pointless? Uh-huh. Are the NPCs dead-eyed and unpolished? To a T! I heard there might've been some serious cuts to the production of this game after Wolfenstein failed to perform as expected, so that might explain what went wrong - but it's still totally solid and worth checking out.
Also, did anyone else notice that Singularity's story shared quite a bit with the new Wolfenstein game?
Also, does anyone remember how AWESOME Raven's Heretic II is? Too bad it was released next to Half-Life :(
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