Saturday, November 02, 2013


Got sucked-in to the 2012's Death Rally remake... I'd read so many negative reviews and consequently avoided it, but it was recently deeply discounted, and I had to see for myself. Well, it's not awesome - certainly not as awesome as I remember the original being - but it's pretty fun and rewarding... And kinda short.

Also snagged the new Rise Of The Triad on sale, and it's supercrazygonuts! The original was really interesting, but never really held my attention beyond its initial moments; it was just too ridiculous... The new is just as ridiculous (that into cinematic is so awful), but feels a lot more solid... Like it has a foundation rooted in reality; much more organic that the first one.

Ooh, and Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs! I'm just getting started, but it's already so creepy! The implications of the journals and setpieces! The way the house shudders! Can't wait to see how pants-shittingly good this gets :)

Then, Outlast.

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