Sunday, January 27, 2013

Unnecessary Swearing

Finished Spec Ops: The Line. Solid game (really dug the sand dynamics), great visuals, and a classic story. Didn't like Nolan North voicing the main character, but it's totally worth your time.

Also finished the main campaign of Torchlight II, and I fell in love with the series all over again... Likely not going to continue with the random maps or playing through the story again, but it was great while it lasted.

Started on Hotline Miami; feels like a gamepad is the way to go on this one.

Bought The Cave as soon as I could; already wrapping-up my second playthough; one more to go. Love it.

Still chipping-away at Persona 4 Golden. Every time I think I finally get it, I'm confronted with another level of convolution and the scope of this thing widens... And I feel overwhelmed all over again. I've spoken to friends who're longtime fans of the series, and they tell me to focus on social links and limit my grinding to once per rescue, but then I feel like I'm missing so much! Then again, the dialogue tries too hard and I'm not really interested in living out the day-to-day of Japanese highschoolers.

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