Thursday, September 07, 2017


Clearing-out old stuff...

Trading a broken (bad CPU) and mostly bare (no RAM or HDD) 2004 Power Mac and two "working" 2005 iMac G5s with the owner of a local gourmet taco joint for some gourmet tacos. Keeping my dual-1GHz Quicksilver Power Mac and 1.2Ghz iMac G4 though.

Still trying to figure-out how I'm gonna get rid of 24 Dell Latitude 2100 netbooks... Hrm.

Also snagged an NEC NP-M260W projector with a fresh lamp for free 'cause someone was throwing them away! Those things went for $1150 a few years ago, and the lamps are still $350! It's kinda nice, getting a 120" WXGA display for free :)