Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The more you know...

What I've learned about Mass Effect So far:

  • Dialogue options aren't always what they seem.
  • Inventory management is kinda broken.
  • Buggy sections are... Inconvenient.

I really hope Mass Effect 2 is better.

What I've learned from Diablo III so far:
  • Diablo III is friggin' awesome.
  • Getting booted from a single-player game because of server/connectivity issues is mostly not cool.

Monday, May 07, 2012


I've given-up on Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Deus Ex: Human Revolution for now; they're so drawn-out and time-consuming that finishing them (despite being about halfway through each) feels like such a chore. I took the opportunity to try Mass Effect. It's an ingenious action-RPG so far, but I'm spending way more time talking to people and running errands than doing anything particularly awesome; perhaps I should stick to the main story for a while. Regardless, I've sunk four or five hours into Mass Effect and I'm still feeling compelled to get back to it, so it's faring better than Assassin's Creed and Deus Ex :\

...Can't help comparing Mass Effect to Star Control II though, and still considering just firing-up the latter on my 3DO ;)